Minggu, 20 Januari 2008

So the result in 21 first days of the year??

Diawali dengan tanpa kembang api, atau hura-hura dan tidur memetuk "TOTO"
Kenapa ya, disamping all the choices in the world, gw koq malah males kemana-mana?
yang ada malah akhirnya cerita, ujan-ujanan, engap-engapan lari menembus ujan, makan nasi goreng, dan ngobrol sepagi suntuk bareng Kawan lama dari Bali.

I dont know if it was the mystical 8 (number 8) which means luck in chinese culture, or just the euphoria of the New year, with New Hope, and New Resolution,
but somehow i kinda sense that this will be a Great Year.

Without the Written On The Walls Resolution, gw pengen straighten up this year.
Quit Smoking, Quit semua yang buruk lah. getting married, and stuff..:D:D

Memasuki awal tahun, ini
gw coba doing something goods, making up for lost years for my parents :) with one single step
closer with The Maker, GOD.
Being Humble
Learning to Fly.. (in positive sense off course)
Got better promotion or career boost

So the result in 21 first days of the year??
got sick along the way. Batu Empedu, dont know what its called in English. Spending millions on Hospital. Millions on Vehicle on Moms house :):) still hurts sometimes, kaya luka di siram asam, yang kata Dr Steve mampu buat besi berlubang dengan Ph 1.
Gara-gara? Kolesterol. Arkhh.. OK..OK.. yup biological clock ya? Stay Healthy Life deh..

Being Mature, and Thinking Twice on Everything.
I suddenly has lost interest in taking drastic measure or action in facing something. Orang Tua, or Dewan Syuro, demikian anak-anak di Frontier used to call me, but hey..
lebih baik, ketimbang Marc Anthony yang bilang.." ternyata menjadi kalah itu ga so bad ya? matahari masih bersinar, burung masih berkicau..." (padahal ga berapa lama dia terkepung, dan akhirnya bunuh diri..)

Updating my Profile on FS and Jobstreet
yup ini result dari being mature tadi..hahahha.. almost sefunny dan menyedihkan Orang-Orang yang Licking Ass pada Kakek Tua yang lagi dying di Rumah Sakit Pertamina.
dan juga harus get a better life dong kali ini, taon ini.
mmm, i think i would be better if 08.08.2008 be a special day for me.. in what terms? have no idea, really... :p

All the swell-headed walls is Trembling Down
Jadi inget sama Inouf, short of Smirnoff, hhueheu, my colleagues in Bali, who always remind me.. ati-ati ya bang, jangan aneh-aneh, bang..
yup kali ini gw ga aneh koq.. karena sudah ada mekanisme pengendalian diri yang luar biasa di alam ini.
Dan kali ini, saat kebaktian, my brand new K-800i is stolen. well.. nothing left to say..
but hey maybe, i dont need it that much, and that would only be my tools to Swell Headed me..
that goes my 2.2 mill..:)

yup that my 21 days of 2008 result..

oya.. yup.. i've managed to stay straight all this times..:)

Senin, 07 Januari 2008

The Pics That Represent My Good Times

Mug Collectible.. <-- My Star Sign.. This is my first hunt down for Mug Collection in Jakarta
yang lagi gw tonton Prison Break.. seru, tegang.. wah bikin gw selalu sleeps only at wee hours
waiting for Session 3rd..

buku yang lagi gw baca.. cukup entertaining.. Marquez daya imajinasinya tinggi..
hmm at second thought, yup daya imajinasinya tinggi, tapi then again, this is NOT my kind of books. It leaves a certain Dark Moods in me. And lonely.

pic of bunnies on my office..

amateur photos using my K800i huehuehue.. <--whom i lost some IGnorant Fools took it.. :(:(