Senin, 07 Januari 2008

The Pics That Represent My Good Times

Mug Collectible.. <-- My Star Sign.. This is my first hunt down for Mug Collection in Jakarta
yang lagi gw tonton Prison Break.. seru, tegang.. wah bikin gw selalu sleeps only at wee hours
waiting for Session 3rd..

buku yang lagi gw baca.. cukup entertaining.. Marquez daya imajinasinya tinggi..
hmm at second thought, yup daya imajinasinya tinggi, tapi then again, this is NOT my kind of books. It leaves a certain Dark Moods in me. And lonely.

pic of bunnies on my office..

amateur photos using my K800i huehuehue.. <--whom i lost some IGnorant Fools took it.. :(:(

1 komentar:

Alchemist : mengatakan...

cwo yg suka bunny... (bunny girl :P)